Article Structure

How to structure an article for blogging

Article outline

Contrary to scientific articles, outlining blog posts can be done following these steps:

  1. Define the objective/message

    • What is the outcome of the article

    • What is the hypothesis

  2. Brainstorm

    • write the first ugly draft outline

  3. Restructure

    • rename and reorder

    • remove what is not helping to reach the objective

    • think about structures like lists, bullet points or alternatively step-by-step processes

  4. Add topic segments

    • break down headlines into smaller subtopics

This is the typical approach emphasizing your own ideas and creativity. The disadvantage is that it doesn't include any step for cross-checking what others say about a topic.

The structure of an article ideally satisfies three requirements:

  1. It reflects your unique point of view

  2. It mentions alternative points of views

  3. It finally argues for what reason a certain view point is favored

Article structure based on others headlines

Alternatively, you can start researching other articles first, to gather different opinions. Potentially those will weaken or strengthen your own point of view.

This method takes more time, but delivers more confidence that the final conclusion is sound.

How to research sub topics across other websites

To simplify the consumption of information, only focus on the headlines of other articles. You can note them down in a spreadsheet to compare them. The spreadsheet will enable you to only focus on the words in the headers without being distracted by design or advertising on the blog posts.

  1. Note down all headlines of relevant articles

  2. Group headlines with similar intent

  3. Base your outline on a selection of topics (represented by grouped headlines)

  4. Add your own point of view

  5. Close with your final conclusion

This approach emphasizes speed and wide coverage of the topic. Without the own point of view however, it is not adding value to the discussion.

This outlining method can be automated to safe time with this tool.

Scientific essay structure

A scientific essay requires you to produce an article which has all the information and facts about the subject matter and it ought to be to the point.

An outline is the foundation on which a scientific essay is built. It should hold all thoughts and opinions and finishes with an own opinion. Drafting the outline first ensures you move towards your objective without getting lost in side topics.

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